HomeKurzweil 3000 (K3000)Kurzweil 3000 Subscription - Web LicenseHow to use Read the Web and K3000 with Respondus, FAQ

2.14. How to use Read the Web and K3000 with Respondus, FAQ

Last Updated: Aug 2023

Applies to: Kurzweil 3000 Subscription, kurzweil3000.com, Read the Web, Respondus


Does Kurzweil 3000 work with Respondus? Does Read the Web work with Respondus?


Respondus works with both the Read the Web extension and it works with our kurzweil3000.com website.

You will need both a Web License Subscription account for kurzweil3000.com and Respondus LockDown Browser for Windows OS/Mac OS to access Read the Web or our kurzweil3000.com website through Respondus.


If you want to use Read the Web within Respondus, follow the instructions on Respondus' website here:

Read the Web Respondus instructions: https://support.respondus.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409607390747-How-to-enable-the-Kurzweil-ReadTheWeb-extension

Read the Web Respondus video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpvW7B86sGg 

If you have problems using Read the Web within Respondus, please contact Respondus technical support: https://web.respondus.com/support/

Respondus is providing support for Read the Web within Respondus.


Can you log in with Single Sign On (Microsoft or Google) to Read the Web within Respondus?

Not at this time.

At this time, you cannot log in with Single Sign On to the Read the Web extension within Respondus. You must know your Kurzweil 3000 assigned username and password.


How can I retrieve my Kurzweil 3000 assigned username and password?

Your Kurzweil 3000 assigned username and password can be accessed and changed by logging into kurzweil3000.com (you can log in with Microsoft or Google when not using Respondus), and then going to My Account > Profile

Alternatively, once a user has logged into kurzweil3000.com at least once successfully using Microsoft or Google, they can retrieve their Kurzweil 3000 assigned username and password through the steps below:

1. Go to https://www.kurzweil3000.com/forgotpassword

2. Enter their school email address on the 'Forgot Password' page and choose 'Submit'

3. They'll receive an email containing their Kurzweil 3000 assigned username in the body of the email, and the ability to assign a password for the account (below is a screenshot of the body of the email).


4. They will use these credentials to login to Respondus LockDown Browser


Can you use the advanced features (screenshot reader, highlight, dictionary, etc.) of Read the Web within Respondus?

Not at this time.

Certain features (e.g. dictionary lookup) that can be exploited for test taking are disabled within Respondus.


How do I access kurzweil3000.com through Respondus?

If you're not interested in using Read the Web to read a LMS (e.g. Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, etc.), and want to access the kurzweil3000.com website (that contains an HTML5 web app that runs off of it, containing many of the features of our installed Kurzweil 3000 desktop app), you will first need to whitelist domains/URLs related to kurzweil3000.com within Respondus.

Respondus Whitelist instructions: https://support.respondus.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409604275867-Accessing-external-web-domains-in-LockDown-Browser 

Kurzweil 3000 domain/URLs:

— https://www.kurzweil3000.com/KLogin.php
— https://www.kurzweil3000.com/ShowFileList.php
— https://www.kurzweil3000.com/ReadFile.php
— www.kurzweil3000.com

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