HomeKurzweil 3000 (K3000)Kurzweil 3000 (General)Slow uploading/failure errors of files to kurzweil3000.com / Universal Library (Uploader app)

1.65. Slow uploading/failure errors of files to kurzweil3000.com / Universal Library (Uploader app)

Last updated: Feb 5 2021

Applies to: Kurzweil 3000 web license/subscription, kurzweil3000.com, Universal Library, batch Uploader app (ULUploader)

UPDATE 2/5/2021: 

This issue should now be relieved, and reports indicate that the issue is no longer occurring. If you continue to experience upload problems, either through kurzweil3000.com, the Kurzweil 3000 desktop app or the Uploader app, please notify us. It’s important that we make sure this is resolved.

If you’re using the Universal Library Uploader app, make sure to download and use the latest version of the app (we released a new version on Feb 4th): https://www.kurzweiledu.com/news-resources/software-updates/misc-updates_v20.html

Previous Information:


Currently you may experience slow upload speeds and/or failures errors in the uploading process under the following circumstances:


There is currently an issue with upload speeds to the Universal Library getting bottlenecked. We are investigating this issue as a priority and will find a solution as soon as possible. We understand the importance of this issue and apologize for the inconvenience that this causes for you and your users.


As a temporary workaround to avoid the problem, you can conduct the following steps to achieve the result of a file being uploaded to your Universal Library:

  1. Save/Upload the file or folder of files to your Google Drive or One Drive.
    1. You can save a file to your Google Drive or One Drive through the installed Kurzweil 3000 desktop app, by clicking on File > Save to Google Drive or Save to One Drive.
    2. You can also use whatever methods you normally take to save or upload files to your Google Drive or One Drive. 
  2. Log into kurzweil3000.com with your account.
  3. On the Universal Library page, click the Google Drive or One Drive button (depending what you used).
    1. If you haven't clicked the button before, you may be asked to sign in with your Google Drive or One Drive account through kurzweil3000.com if this is your first time.
    2. Avoid entering other people's credentials to Google Drive or One Drive. If you're logged into a student's kurzweil3000.com account, avoid entering your personal Google Drive or One Drive credentials.
  4. Browse to the location of the file in your Google Drive or One Drive, select that file and Open it.
    1. This will open the file within kurzweil3000.com for viewing. Let the file load. By doing this, the file will automatically be saved to your recently_opened_local_files folder in your Universal Library.
  5. Press the Back button in your web browser to view your Universal Library page.
  6. In your Universal Library, drill down (browse) to your recently_opened_local_files folder under your account name. Find the file that you opened. You can then select that file and Move or Copy it elsewhere within the Universal Library.

If you are an administrative role at a school and you have a mass collection of files you need to upload, please email or submit a request as per the below troubleshooting section.


If you are encountering this issue, please contact our Technical Support department to notify us. You can reach us via email tech@kurzweiledu.com, as well as through our 'Submit a Request' form.

Please include the following information in your correspondence if you have it available:

  1. Kurzweil 3000 Username used to upload file
  2. Date and Time of upload attempt
  3. Geographic location (City/State)
  4. The Public IPv4 Address of the computer used to upload the file. You can find this by going to https://www.whatismyip.com/ on that computer. Your IPv4 Address will be listed at the top of the page.

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