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3.4. Saving as a PDF document
How do I save a Kurzweil 1000 document as a PDF document?
Kurzweil 1000 does not natively support saving directly to a PDF format. However, there are some alternative options available for saving as an OCR'ed (Optical Character Recognition) PDF document.
Option #1: Save using Microsoft Office through Kurzweil 1000
As Kurzweil 1000 makes use of Microsoft Office for its import/export PDF handling, you can use Microsoft Office for saving as a PDF. If you have Microsoft Office installed, follow these steps.
1. Launch Kurzweil 1000
2. Scan/Open the document you wish to save as a PDF
3. Go to File > Save As
4. For the current format, choose Other
5. Choose OK
6. Kurzweil 1000 will search for applicable file conversion capabilities on the machine. If Microsoft Office is detected a list of available formats will appear that lists PDF.
7. Choose PDF from this list
8. Choose OK
9. Give the document a name and select a destination directory
Option #2: Use the KOCRUtil.exe Utility
This utility is included with Kurzweil 1000 v13/v14, and it allows for the recognition and immediate saving of documents to specific formats. One of the supported formats is PDF.
1. Browse into C:\Program Files (x86)\Kurzweil Educational Systems\KOCRUtil
2. Launch KOCRUtil.exe (Note: this application does not have native speech so a screen reader is recommended)
3. Fill in the following fields:
- Image Files - This should be the electronic image file that you wish to recognize
- Output File - This should be the name/destination of the file you are creating
- Format - This should be the format that you want to save the recognized file as (ie: PDF)
- Recognition Engine - This is the OCR Engine that will be used for the recognition process (try switching between the two if recognition is unsatisfactory)
- Recognition Languages - Select the language of the document
4. Choose Start Recognition and allow the process to complete