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1.31. Guide: Using Google Drive with Kurzweil 3000
Kurzweil 3000 can access documents stored in Google Drive in a few ways.
kurzweil3000.com in Browser
If you have an account for the Web License edition of Kurzweil 3000, using kurzweil3000.com and the steps below, you can bring documents directly from Google Drive into your Universal Library.
1. Login to kurzweil3000.com
2. Go to Universal Library
3. Select the 'Google Drive' button at the top
4. Sign into Google Drive when prompted and select the document you'd like to bring into Kurzweil 3000
5. Your document will automatically load once completed (if it's a larger document, you may receive a message requesting to try again later, see step below)
6. Once your Google Drive document is uploaded, you'll be able to find it in your Universal Library\Your Folder (with your name)\Recently_Opened_Local_Files folder. You can reopen it from that location, or move it to a different folder location in your Universal Library
Installed Kurzweil 3000 Win/Mac
Kurzweil 3000 Web License Edition: Using the Universal Library
If you've already uploaded a document into your Universal Library using the 'kurzweil3000.com in Browser' steps above, you'll be able to find the document in your installed Kurzweil 3000 Win/Mac using the steps below:
1. Launch Kurzweil 3000 on your machine
2. Go to File > Open From Library
3. Open the document from your Universal Library (it will be in your Recently_Opened_Local_Files folder unless you've moved it)
Kurzweil 3000 Web License, Network, or Standalone Editions: Using installed Google Drive App
If you'd prefer not to use, or don't have access to kurzweil3000.com/Universal Library, you can use the installed Google Drive app to make your Google Drive documents available on your local machine. Attached to this knowledge book article is a document (Configuring_Google_Drive_Application_For_Kurzweil_3000.pdf) covering the process of downloading, configuring, and using the Google Drive App with the installed Kurzweil 3000 Win or Mac application.