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2.13. iPad/iPhone - Not reading content in kurzweil3000.com

kurzweil3000.com will not have audio on iPads or iPhones if the ringer is disabled, or silent mode is active. The steps below guide on how to enable the ringer/disable silent mode.


Enable the Ringer Switch

If you have an iPhone, or an older iPad, you may have a switch on the side of the device that allows you to toggle the ringer on/off. You'll want to ensure the ringer is enabled when attempting to listen to content read in kurzweil3000.com.


Add Silent Mode Toggle to your Control Center

1. Go to Settings > Control Center

2. Ensure that 'Silent Mode' is listed under 'Included Controls'

3. If it's not, find 'Silent Mode' under 'More Controls' and tap the '+' to add it to 'Included Controls'


4. Once it's added, you should now see the 'Silent Mode' toggle on your Control Center drop down (dragging down from top right corner of iPad screen)


Verify Silent Mode is toggled Off and Volume is Up

1. Bring up your Control Center by dragging down from the top right corner of the iPad screen

2. Find the 'Silent Mode' toggle button

3. Verify the icon does not show a red bell with a slash through it

4. If it does, tap on the icon to change it into just a bell icon (no red or slash)



Verify audible reading is enabled in kurzweil3000.com

1. Login to kurzweil3000.com

2. Open your document

3. Look for the speaker icon at the top of the document (next to the play controls)

4. Verify the icon does not have a slash through it


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