Home → Kurzweil 3000 (K3000) → Kurzweil 3000 (General) → “Access Denied” or "Login has failed" or "Object Error" on login to K3000 Web Licence Win/Mac app
1.50. “Access Denied” or "Login has failed" or "Object Error" on login to K3000 Web Licence Win/Mac app
Last Updated: September 2020
Applies to: Kurzweil 3000 (K3000) Web License Subscription, Kurzweil3000.com
If you attempt to log into a K3000 Web License Subscription installed desktop app or Kurzweil3000.com and cannot login, you may receive an Access Denied, Object Error or Login has failed message and you will be unable to log in. This can be due to an incorrect password, or having the wrong version of the software installed. In cases of version 15 or lower, this issue is due to support for those older versions of the installed desktop app is no longer supported. However, there is a newer version of the desktop app available, please see the below solution section for implementing a newer version of the software.
Importantly, if your Web License subscription is active, you can a) still log into kurzweil3000.com and use the web app from the website, and b) you can simply install a newer version of the desktop app and use that instead.
If you cannot login to Kurzweil3000.com, please try resetting your password following this link. After resetting your password attempt to login again. If you can login to Kurzweil3000.com you should also be able to login to the Kurzweil 3000 Web License Subscription desktop app. If you still cannot login to the desktop app, please follow the solution below to resolve.
The solution is to uninstall, download the latest version of the app, and install that. Because you have an active subscription, you can and should use the latest version of K3000.
Windows Instructions:
1. Uninstall your older version of K3000:
- In Windows, go to your Control Panel > Programs and Features
- In your Programs and Features list find the Kurzweil 3000 v.15 application listed, select it, and then click the Uninstall button
- Follow the prompts to complete the uninstall process. If it asks you to restart your computer, choose OK.
2. Download the latest version of K3000 Web License:
- You can download the latest version of K3000 for Windows from here: https://www.kurzweiledu.com/installv20_win_wl
- Wait for the file to finish downloading. It may take over an hour, depending on your Internet connection.
3. Install the latest version of K3000 Web License:
- Once the .exe file is finished downloading in Step 2 above, Open or Run the file (you can double-click it).
- Follow the prompts to complete the installation. Choose to do a Complete install if prompted.
4. After the new version of K3000 is installed, you can open the app by double-clicking the Kurzweil 3000 shortcut on your desktop.
- You can log into the app with your active username/password for kurzweil3000.com
Macintosh Instructions:
1. Uninstall your older version of K3000:
- In your Macintosh Finder, navigate to your Applications.
- Find the Kurzweil 3000 app in your Applications.
- Ctrl+click (or right-click) the Kurzweil 3000 app > choose Move to Trash
- Follow the prompts to move the app to your Trash.
2. Download the latest version of K3000 Web License:
- You can download the latest version of K3000 for Mac from here: https://www.kurzweiledu.com/installv20_mac_wl
- Wait for the file to finish downloading. It may take over an hour, depending on your Internet connection.
3. Install the latest version of K3000 Web License:
- Once the .dmg file is finished downloading in Step 2 above, Open or Run the file (you can double-click it).
- This will mount a Kurzweil 3000 disc image, similar to inserting a DVD into your computer.
- In the Kurzweil 3000 window, Open (double-click) the .pkg file to start the installation of K3000.
- Follow the prompts to install the application.
4. After the new version of K3000 is installed, you can open the app by double-clicking the Kurzweil 3000 app in your Applications.
- You can log into the app with your active username/password for kurzweil3000.com