Home → Kurzweil 3000 (K3000) → Kurzweil 3000 Subscription - Web License → Error: Sign In with Google/Microsoft - Not authorized for access to Kurzweil 3000 via Google/Microsoft
2.19. Error: Sign In with Google/Microsoft - Not authorized for access to Kurzweil 3000 via Google/Microsoft
When attempting to use the 'Sign In with Google' or 'Sign In with Microsoft' buttons on https://www.kurzweil3000.com/KLogin.php, you may receive the error, "Your email address needs to be a school email address that has been authorized for access to Kurzweil 3000 via Google/Microsoft. Please contact your teacher or school administrator for help getting this configured."
There are a few possible reasons for this error to appear:
- Your Kurzweil 3000 Subscription has not yet been configured to make use of Google SSO or Microsoft SSO. Your Kurzweil 3000 Top Level Coordinator should contact us to determine if your subscription qualifies for Google SSO or Microsoft SSO, and to get integrated.
- Not using the correct 'Sign In with...' button according to your organization's requested configuration (e.g.: Using 'Sign In with Google' when your organization has been configured for Microsoft). Please ensure you're using the proper SSO button for your organization.
- The email address being used is not the email address associated with your subscription's Google Workspace domain, or does not match your Microsoft User Principal Name (e.g.: trying to use a @gmail.com address when you should be using your school email address).
- For Google: Not choosing 'Allow' on all 5 of the permission prompts that appear when trying to sign in using your Google Workspace credentials for the first time. Attempting to sign in again will provide additional opportunities to 'Allow' the permissions. All of the permissions must be allowed in order to successfully sign in through Google SSO.
- For Microsoft: Not having all required permissions allowed by your Microsoft Azure AD administrator. Please reach out to your Microsoft Azure AD administrator to ensure Admin consent has been allowed for the Kurzweil 3000 Enterprise Application (App ID: 081ba643-6a85-4924-8f06-d36740e88d00).
- In very rare instances, another user has the same email address set as the External ID within the subscription. We will generally catch any instance like this during the integration process, but if the above bullets do not provide resolution, please contact us so we can investigate.
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