HomeKurzweil 3000 (K3000)Kurzweil 3000 (General)Guide: Registering Kurzweil 3000 (Win/Mac)

1.20. Guide: Registering Kurzweil 3000 (Win/Mac)


Applies to: Kurzweil 3000 Windows, Kurzweil 3000 Macintosh - Standalone versions, and the Windows Network Administrator version


General Questions

Registering Kurzweil 3000 (Win)

Registering Kurzweil 3000 (Mac)

Troubleshooting registration errors


General Questions 


What editions of Kurzweil must I register with a serial number in order to use?

Kurzweil 3000 Standalone, Kurzweil 3000 Network

In the case of Kurzweil 3000 Network, only the Network administrator tool on the machine acting as a server needs to be registered.


How do I find the edition of Kurzweil 3000 that I'm installing?

There are a few ways to find this out. Perhaps the easiest way is to look on the front of your case that Kurzweil 3000 came in; it should list on the front Standalone, Network, or Web License.

If this information is not available to you, or the information is lost, please contact customer service or your sales rep to inquire further.

Where is the serial number located, and what does it look like? 

Your serial number is either on a card that came in your box, or on the back/inside of your box/case that Kurzweil 3000 came in on a white sticker. For older versions, your serial number will start with a 3 for the Windows version and a 2 for the Mac version. Starting with version 14, Mac and Windows serial numbers both begin with 3. Serial numbers are typically 13 digits long. For example, a serial number starting with 313 would be for Kurzweil 3000 version 13, for Windows.  A serial number starting with 205 would be for Kurzweil 3000 version 5, for Mac and any serial number starting with 314 or higher will be for both Mac and Windows.

If multiple licenses were purchased, at the end of the serial number there may be a hyphened suffix (e.g. 31300123456789-5) with a value representing your number of licenses. This suffix (-5) can be entered during the registration process if desired but is not required.

You may also notice PRO C or NT ADMIN in front of your serial number, these are not part of your actual serial number; please do not enter them during the registration process.


What if there is no serial number in the locations described above?

If you have no serial number on the back of your case, first check the edition on the front of the case. If it states that you have Web License, the Web License version does not have serial numbers used for registration. If you find you have the Web License version and just installed Kurzweil 3000 but are being prompted to register you will need to un-install and re-install the software. During the re-install process make sure to select the Web License version when prompted instead of Standalone.

If you were provided a username and password for firefly, use those credentials to log into an installed Kurzweil 3000 Web License client, it will ask you for this when you launch the product.


I've lost my serial number, is there a way to retrieve it?

Please contact customer service and they will do their best to assist you. For customer service to best assist you, please collect all available information that can obtain about your order before reaching out to them if possible.


Is it possible to use a Mac serial number to register a Windows version or vice versa?

Yes, but only if you have version 14 or higher of the product or the Web License Edition which does not require registration. For versions 13 and lower of Standalone, if you have a serial number starting with 2, it is for Mac, and if you have a serial number starting with 3, it's for Windows. These older serial numbers will only register their prospective versions. If you are interested in upgrading one of your Standalone or Network versions, please contact customer service or your sales rep.

Registering Kurzweil 3000 (Win)



You must have administrator privileges to the computer in order to register successfully. If you do not have these privileges, your system code will be missing during registration and you will not be able to proceed. Information on how to troubleshoot the issue can be found here.

After installing your software and before registering, it's highly recommended to update your software first. An installation from the DVD is rarely up to date due to the frequency of our free software updates. The only exception to this, is if you downloaded Kurzweil from our website; these downloads are always up to date.


Instructions to register Kurzweil 3000 for Windows:

The first time you launch Kurzweil 3000 after installation, you will be asked you to register the software. Please note if you ever have to install Kurzweil 3000 again, you will need to register it again. If you choose to register online, documenting your registration username and password is highly recommended.

After selecting the option to Activate Now, you will see below:

Online – This allows you to use an existing online account, or to create one so you may register online. (Recommended)

Phone – This prompts you to call customer service to register your software via phone.

Key Disk – Legacy versions of our software required this option. Please contact customer service for further assistance with this option.


Phone Registration (Win)



Product Information – A text box here will contain your System Code. If your System Code is blank, please click here for help.

Customer service will request your System Code as it's required to register over the phone.

Unlock Code – There are two text entry boxes here: 1) The first box is requesting your Serial Number for your product. If you need help finding your serial number please click here. 2) The second box is your Unlock Code. Customer service will provide this code to you once they have all the required information.

When all information has been entered, click the Register Product button.


Online Registration (Win)



Use an Existing Account - This choice will ask for your username and password, that you would only have if you registered online previously. Selecting this option would re-populate your information and allow you to re-register your software.

I Forgot my Username or Password - If you registered online, this choice will attempt to email the username and password that you used in your previous registration. Once you receive this information you can select Use an Existing Account to register online with the retrieved username and password. If your email address has since changed, please contact customer service for assistance.

Create a new account- This choice will allow to create a new registration account. Please be aware that the username you create must be unique. If it is not unique the system will explain that the username already taken. If you are having trouble finding something unique, try reversing your first/last name or adding some numbers at the end.


Detailed Instructions for creating a new account (Win)

First, please make sure to select Create a New Account and then select the Next button.


Creating a new user name and password for your account



User Name – Type in a unique username in this box. More information about unique usernames can be read in the Create a new account section under Online Registration above.

Password – Type a password that you would like to use in this box.

Verify – Type your password again in this box, then select the Next button.


Registration Information Screen (1 of 2)



Please fill out all required information. Required fields are noted with an asterisk (*) and appear in red. Make sure to un-check the Institutional/Business Purchase check-box if you are registering the software for a personal purchase; this will make this field not required.


Registration Information Screen (2 of 2)


If you do not remember or do not have the Purchase Month or Year please contact customer service for assistance.

Purchase Month - The month the software was purchased.

Purchase Year – The year the software was purchased. For older versions of our software, entering a year prior to 2013 may not be a valid entry unless you update your software first before attempting to register it.

Operating System – Select your operating system. Windows 8/10 may not be a choice for older versions; please select Windows 7 if you run into this issue.

Serial Number – Please enter your serial number. More information about finding your serial number is here.

System Code – The numbers in this field should automatically populate. If this field is empty, you may not be logged into your computer as an administrator user, or may you be attempting to register an older version. If this field does not populate, please view the troubleshooting steps here.

Purchase Type – If the software is a new purchase and you had no previous versions of Kurzweil 3000, select New Purchase. If you owned an older version and received a discount via an upgrade purchase, select Upgrade.

When all fields are filled out, please select the Register button.

If you receive no errors, congratulations you have created a new account!


Registering Kurzweil 3000 (Mac)

After installing Kurzweil 3000, the first time you launch the product it will ask you to register it. Please note if you ever have to install Kurzweil 3000 again, you will need to register it again. If you choose to register online, documenting your registration username and password is highly recommended.


When you select to register your product, you will see below:

New Online Account - This choice will allow to create your own account to register your product with.  Please be aware you create a unique Account Name. If it is not unique the system will explain that the Account Name is already taken. If you are having trouble finding something unique, try reversing your first/last name or adding some numbers at the end. For detailed instructions, click here.

Existing Online Account - This choice will ask for your Account Name and Password, that you would only have if you registered online previously. Selecting this option would allow you to re-register your software using your existing Account Name and Password.


Retrieve Forgotten Online Account Info - If you registered online, this choice will attempt to email the username and password that you used in your previous registration. Once you receive this information you can select Use an Existing Account to register online with the retrieved username and password. If your email address has since changed, please contact customer service for assistance.


Phone - This button will bring up phone registration, allowing you to register without internet access.


System Code – A text box here will contain your System Code. If your System Code is blank, please click here for help.

Customer service will request your System Code as it's required to register over the phone.

Serial Number - Please type your serial number here. If you need help finding your serial number please click here

Unlock Code –A text box is prompting for an Unlock Code will be here. Customer Service will provide this code to you once they have all the required information.

When all information has been entered, select the Next button to complete the process.


Detailed Instructions for creating a new account (Mac)

First, make sure to select New Online Account and then select the Next button, as in the below example:



Creating a new user name and password for your account

Upon clicking next, after selecting the New Online Account option, you will see below:


Account Name – Type in a unique Account Name (also called a username) in this box. More information about unique usernames can be read in the Create a new account section above.

Password – Type a password that you would like to use in this box.

Confirm Password – Type your password again in this box, then select the Next button


Registration Information Screen (1 of 2)

Please fill out all required information, which would be all fields with an asterisk. (*) Click the Next button when you are done.


Registration Information Screen (2 of 2)

If you do not remember or do not have the Purchase Month or Year please contact customer service for assistance.

Serial Number – Please enter your serial number, more information about finding your serial number is here.

Purchased Month - The month you purchased the software.

Purchased Year – The year you purchased the software. Please note 2013 may not be available if you did not update your software first before attempting to register it.

As: Select New Purchase, if it is a new purchase and you had no previous versions of Kurzweil 3000. Select Upgrade if you owned an older version and received a discount via an upgrade purchase.

For:  Please select your option via the drop-down arrow.

From:  Please select your option via the drop-down arrow.

When all of the above is complete, please select the Next button.

If you receive no errors, congratulations you have created a new account!

Troubleshooting registration errors


You are receiving a message that you must be an administrator/may not be an administrator

If you are the administrator and you are receiving this error, then you are most likely trying to register an older version of Kurzweil on a newer operating system. If you are not the administrator of your computer, please contact your admin so they can register the software for you.

First, try updating your software first and then trying again. This may resolve the issue, if not continue reading.

Next, try right clicking the Kurzweil program icon on your desktop and choose the "Run As Administrator" Option and then proceed to attempt to register again. If you do not see the option for "Run As Administrator" please try the alternate solution listed below.


Alternate solution for run as admin:

1. Double click into your C: drive from your file explorer in Windows

2. Navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kurzweil Educational Systems\Kurzweil 3000

3. Find the Kurzweil 3000 application, right click it and select Run as Administrator

4. Select yes, allow, etc. to any prompts that may appear after selecting Run as Administrator

5. When you run Kurzweil 3000 via the above steps, you should be able to register without error.


Your System Code is empty

You most likely are not logged into your computer as an administrator.  Please contact someone with administrative credentials for the computer you're using and ask them to log in and register the software for you. If you are the administrator, please check your system time, date, and year and correct them if they are inaccurate. If none of these are issues, and you are running a Windows operating system; please try the steps listed above under the Alternate solution section listed above.


You receive a message that your serial number is not valid version X serial number for your copy of Kurzweil, where X is the version number.

Please check your version that you have installed via Help > About Kurzweil 3000 in the software itself. If you find a mismatch, for instance it states you have version 12, but you are expecting a different version, please install the proper version and try registering again. Your serial number must be for the same version you have installed, see below for some serial number examples for ease of identifying your version number.

Version examples; serial number starts with:

204... – Macintosh version 4

205... – Macintosh version 5

310... – Windows version 10

311... – Windows version 11

312... – Windows version 12

313... – Windows version 13

314... – Windows version 14 & Mac version 14



You receive an error that your user name is already taken

To resolve, please try another user name. If you are having trouble finding something unique, try reversing your first/last name or adding some numbers that you will remember to your user name. Document your username and password once the system accepts it so you may use it again if you ever need to re-install the product.

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