HomeKurzweil 3000 (K3000)Kurzweil 3000 (General)Read the Web, installation and troubleshooting (Chrome/Edge/Firefox)

1.2. Read the Web, installation and troubleshooting (Chrome/Edge/Firefox)

If you're having problems figuring out how to install or get Read the Web to work, this article is meant to help you.

Here is a video that covers the installation and a demonstration of the new Read the Web extension: How to install the Read the Web extension for Chrome

Are you using Accuplacer? Here is a KB article that details how to use Read the Web with Accuplacer: Troubleshooting: Accuplacer and Read the Web  


Read the Web may not work if your version of Kurzweil 3000 (K3000) is not patched or updated. For example, if you have K3000 version 20.00, there is a patch that will update you to version 20.15 (or later). You can view available patches for K3000 here: https://www.kurzweiledu.com/news-resources/software-updates.html

Do not try to install a patch for a version you do not own. For example, if you have K3000 version 20, don't try to install the version 22.01 patch.

If you have an older Read the Web extension already installed into Firefox, Chrome, or Edge make sure to uninstall it first.
— For help uninstalling or removing an extension in Chrome: View this article
— For help uninstalling or removing an add-on in Edge: View this article
— For help uninstalling or removing an add-on in Firefox: View this article


Does the Read the Web work with all editions and platforms?

Read the Web is supported with the following versions and editions of K3000:

— K3000 v20, v22 Web License, for Mac, Windows, Chromebooks 
— K3000 v20, v22 Standalone, Windows-only
— K3000 v20, v22 Network, Windows-only

K3000 v20 or v22 Mac Standalone Users Please Note:  Please contact us to request an account.

*Read the Web is not compatible with iPad as it does not allow desktop extensions.




  1. You can download and install the Read the Web extension from the Chrome webstore here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/read-the-web/hdgegmlancchhhlkkddoiedlklgocffm 
  2. Follow the prompts to install the extension.
  3. After the extension is installed, restart Chrome.
  4. There is a puzzle piece icon button near the top-right of your web browser to the right of the favorites star. Please click on that button to expand your installed extensions.
  5. Click Read the Web to enable it. (Note: If it has a red line through the icon it means the site is not compatible)
  6. It may require you to enter your kurzweil3000.com username and password to log into the Read the Web add-on.
  7. Click the play button to start reading content on a web page, this will start reading from the top of the page. Alternatively, you can select text you want to read or place your cursor at a location on the page before you start to read.





  1. You can download and install the Read the Web extension from the Microsoft Addons page: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/read-the-web/kofgpmehdapadjondblkpknejimjogdo
  2. Follow the prompts to install the extension.
  3. After the extension is installed, restart Edge.
  4. You should now have an icon near your puzzle piece icon button near the top-right of your web browser.
  5. Going forward, you can enable and disable Read the Web by clicking on the icon. If the icon is a gray color you can click Read the Web to enable it. (Note: If it has a red line through the icon it means the site is not compatible, please go to a site that is readable to fully enable the add-on)
  6. It may require you to enter your kurzweil3000.com username and password to log into the Read the Web add-on.
  7. Click the play button to start reading content on a web page, this will start reading from the top of the page. Alternatively, you can select text you want to read or place your cursor at a location on the page before you start to read.





  1. You can download the latest Read the Web extension for Firefox here:  https://www.kurzweiledu.com/news-resources/software-updates/misc-updates_v22.html
  2. Download the latest version from that page. If you're in Firefox, you can simply Open the .xpi file. If you download the file using another web browser, you can drag the .xpi file into an open Firefox window to start the installation.
  3. Follow the prompts to install the extension.
  4. You'll notice a color square icon button near the top-right of your web browser. You can click on that button to expand the overlay.
  5. Within the overlay, it may require you to enter your kurzweil3000.com username and password to log into the Read the Web add-on.
  6. Click the play button to start reading content on a web page, this will start reading from the top of the page. Alternatively, you can select text you want to read or place your cursor at a location on the page before you start to read.


Troubleshooting Read the Web:

Read the Web does not read a certain website, what do I do?

Read the Web can only read HTML5. Some websites use special web code that blocks screen reader software or use embedded documents and pictures that can make Read the Web have issues reading the content.

Here are some tools included with Read the Web that can help with this:

1. The PDF reader - If the file is an embedded pdf and the URL ends with .pdf, the PDF button will appear. Try using this when the button appears to read your content.

2. Screenshot Capture - This tool allows you to select and read areas that are generally not readable by a screen reader like Read the Web. Using this tool will open Kurzweil3000.com or Kurzweil 3000 to read back the text.

Possible Alternative:

If you have Windows 10 and Kurzweil 3000 installed on your computer, the Kurzweil Taskbar may be an alternate solution.

To enable:

  1. Right-click your Windows taskbar
  2. Select "Toolbars"
  3. Select "Kurzweil Taskbar"

This will add a toolbar to the left of your clock area that lets you copy and paste text into it for read back. It also has the screenshot capture feature similar in function to the Read the Web tool.

I have Kurzweil 3000 Standalone/Network and Read the Web is giving me an error, "An unknown error has occurred"

The standalone and network versions of Read the Web need to communicate with the installed Kurzweil 3000 application. 

The RTW local host uses two TCP connections to communicate with K3000 SA/NT during operation.  This requires two open ports that can connect and communicate with the localhost (IP

These port defaults are:

        * K3ServicePort: The TCP port the RTW Host uses to communicate with K3000

            * Default is 11000

        * K3RtwHostPort: The TCP port K3000 uses to communicate with RTW Host

            * Default is 11100

Known conflicts for Read the Web SA/NT:

The computer monitoring/firewall software "Veyon" uses port 11100 and can conflict with Read the Web. In the advanced configuration section for Veyon, this port can be altered.

If more information is needed about the ports we use and how to troubleshoot this issue or change the ports, please contact us in technical support.

Shortcut keys for Read the Web:

Read/Pause (alt+shift + p)

Rewind (alt + shift + ,)

Fast Forward.(alt + shift + .)

Old Versions of Kurzweil 3000 and Legacy Read the Web

We no longer support the Legacy Read the Web extension (This is included with Kurzweil 3000 v14 and below). The Legacy Read the Web extension no longer works with current versions of Firefox, and may experience issues such as repeated dialog boxes, or inability to read certain websites. If you require access to Read the Web, we ask that you upgrade your Kurzweil 3000 to one of the above noted versions so you can utilize the latest version of Read the Web that's fully supported and compatible with current applications.


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