HomeKurzweil 3000 (K3000)Kurzweil 3000 (General)FAQ: Read the Web, LMS and Online Testing Compatibility

1.7. FAQ: Read the Web, LMS and Online Testing Compatibility

Last Updated: 7/2024

Applies to: Read the Web Extension for Chrome, Kurzweil 3000 Web License/Subscription

What is the Read the Web extension?

It lets you read normal website text using a text-to-speech voice. The extension also contains additional reading/learning features, such as definition lookups and translations.

If you utilize the Web License/Subscription edition of Kurzweil 3000, the Read the Web (RtW) extension also contains a built-in PDF Reader and Screenshot Reader features.

With the ability to read website text, PDFs, and take screenshots of a website to read out loud, you can use RtW with most Learning Management Systems and websites.

Where can I download/install Read the Web?


This will work on both Mac and Windows computers, along with Chromebooks, and is our recommended addon.

Firefox: https://www.kurzweiledu.com/news-resources/software-updates/misc-updates_v22.html

Edge: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/read-the-web/kofgpmehdapadjondblkpknejimjogdo

Does the Read the Web extension work in third-party "lockdown" browsers?

Yes, with the Respondus Lockdown browser, more information is available here: https://support.respondus.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409607390747-Using-Kurzweil-ReadTheWeb-with-LockDown-Browser

Beyond this browser, the Read the Web extension is only for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, and will only install into those web browsers.


What Learning Management Systems (LMS) or online testing websites does the Read the Web extension work with?

The Read the Web extension should work with most LMS and testing websites, including:

Accuplacer (requires an admin test setting change within Accuplacer)

Depending on how the LMS site is configured, it may function with Read the Web even if not listed above.

How can I test if RtW works with a specific LMS or testing site a student needs to use?

  1. You can install the RtW extension in Chrome from the link above.
  2. Enable the RtW extension within Chrome.
  3. Visit the LMS/site in question, log into, and access a course or test.
  4. From there, you can test the different reading features of RtW within the course or test. If you can't read the displayed text through the regular reading controls, you can attempt using the built-in Screenshot Reader. PDFs that can opened within their own browser preview tab, can also be read aloud with our PDF Reader.
  5. For details on how to enable the RtW extension and use it, refer to this link: Read the Web Getting Started guide.

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